November 3, 2020 marks possibly the greatest political event in modern day history. The Presidential election of 2020. The final standoff between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The day America may fall apart.
For the past four years, the United States has been more divided than ever. Personally, I don’t follow politics too closely and I don’t know a lot about current events involving the government. What I do know, and can see however, is the chasm that is separating the American people from truly being united. Most of the time when I try to get into politics, I don’t understand how people can be so ignorant. It’s crazy how stubborn people can get when others challenge their beliefs. It’s normal to be different from others. The issue arises when people begin to condemn others for wanting and believing different things.
As of right now, our nation is divided beyond repair. The American people have been forced to choose between two colors, blue or red, and there are no other choices. Looking at the state of our nation, I’m honestly scared at what the election results will bring. It’s come to a point where most people won’t even listen to what others have to say. Their first reactions are defensive and respond in a violent way. Last night I saw a Tik Tok of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills being boarded up for election day. This is ridiculous. Election day is a day where American citizens can exercise their right to vote; it’s not a day to be feared.
People’s mindsets have become twisted. We are being forced to choose sides. Hate crimes are being normalized as they are happening more and more frequently. Everyone needs to get over themselves and start thinking about the greater good of our country.
Amidst all of the negativity and terror that is happening within our country, it’s nice to see that there are people, especially the younger generations, stepping up to try and make a change. Early voting numbers are higher than ever and I see posts encouraging people to vote and giving helpful voting information on social media. We are more aware as a generation and are more willing to speak up and instigate social change. I am thankful to be a part of a generation that care about the state of our nation. So with all thoughts aside, please vote and exercise your right as an American citizen.